Welcome to
Clear Lake City
Water Authority!
We have provided water, sewer, and drainage services to the Clear Lake area since 1963. CLCWA strives to provide customers with: Excellent Customer Service, Superior Water Quality, and Environmental Protection.
Clear Lake City Water Authority
900 Bay Area Blvd.
Houston, TX 77058

2024 Directors Election:
The candidates on the ballot were unopposed; therefore, the election has been cancelled pursuant to Section 2.053 of the Texas Election Code.
Water and Sewer Rate Increase:
Your water and sewer rates increased effective November 1, 2022. For more information, please visit the "Rate Breakdown" page (link under "Information" tab).
Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR): Inventory Results
The results of the service line inventory in the CLCWA district show that the various lines consist of galvanized, cast iron, copper, and plastic materials. Results are available at https://lad.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/basic/index.html?appid=8a00566a999346f6a5e7134ca23057e8
Safety Notice:
Utility workers should never enter your home for water or wastewater service.
Payment Options:
If you wish to make a payment we encourage you to use the following methods:
1. Online payment. Please use www.clcwa.org and select "Pay Water Bill" or “Pay Property Tax” at the top of the Home Page.
2. Mail in a payment.
3. In person. Credit cards are now accepted in person at the Office during normal business hours (fees will apply). When dropping off a payment, please use a payment envelope located at the drop off locations in the parking lot payment box or mail/payment slot to the far right of our front door. We request that you do not drop cash in our payment box or door slot.
Setting Up New Service:
Applications for new water service or to set up automatic debit payments are on our website under the “Customer Service” tab above or available on the front porch of our main office and can be dropped in the mail slot. Please include a copy of your driver’s license and deposit. Customer Service can be reached at 281-488-1164 or email at customerservice@clcwa.org.
Public Information Requests:
Requests for public information may be delivered in writing as follows: (Identify the request with an appropriate title, description, and detail, so CLCWA may accurately identify the request and locate the information requested)
In person at 900 Bay Area Blvd., Houston, Texas 77058;
by mail at 900 Bay Area Blvd., Houston, Texas 77058; or
by email at PR@clcwa.org.
If you do not have access to social media, a copy of the most recent post is included below.

Please see the posted agenda for participation details. The next scheduled board meeting will be held in Regular Session on Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 7:00pm. The following scheduled board meeting will be held in Regular Session on Thursday, April 10, 2025 at 7:00pm.
**UPDATE: Please see the agenda posted on the Board Information tab under the Information heading for updated meeting attendance information or follow link provided here.
Due to COVID-19 meetings are held in person and by video conference.**
Phases 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4, 5 have been completed and are open to the public.
Please stay on the trails and off any newly planted native grass to give it the best chance to grow. Turf establishment will continue in the newly completed phase, and areas that need attention in the established phases.
Mowing has started on areas with an appropriate established growth; the carefully selected grass mix is allowed to reach a growth height significant enough to help establish a root system and provide the proper support strength to resist the intrusion of invasive species. Dead trees and invasive plant removal will be an ongoing as-needed task.
For more information please visit the Exploration Green Detention Facility page using the link above
Flooding? How to help.
If you have experienced flooding, please see http://www.clcwa.org/educational/stormwater-flooding for reporting this matter. This information is helpfule to evaluate trends in the area and investigate issues.
Please help us by clearing any leaves, pine needles, trash, and other debri from the storm sewer inlets, street drains, and gutters. Keeping thes area clear will help drain streets faster.
Usage Reads, How you can help.
Please do not put trash cans, bags, or other debri on top of meter boxes. It interferes with the signal transmitting meter reads and can damage the equipment.

Clear Lake City Water Authority
900 Bay Area Blvd.
Houston, TX 77058
Operating Hours
Come Visit
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Sat and Sun: Closed
For questions about your water bill or taxes, please call our main line during normal operating hours, indicated above.
For water or sewer emergencies, please call our
24-hour Emergency Answering Service
Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, after hours and holidays through our main line at 281-488-1164
**Please note the 24-hour answering service is unable to answer billing or tax questions. It is available to dispatch a CLCWA employee in the case of a water or sewer emergency.
The Authority was created by House Bill 1003, 58th Legislature of Texas, Regular Session, on May 6, 1963 (compiled as 8280-280, Texas Revised Civil Statutes). The Authority was created to provide, operate, and maintain waterworks systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm sewer systems, and drainage facilities to serve land within its boundaries. The Authority operates under the authority of the Texas Constitution, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, Article 8280-280 and Chapters 49 and 51 of the Texas Water Code, as amended.

Contact CLCWA
900 Bay Area Blvd, Houston, TX 77058, USA
Phone: 281-488-1164
Fax: 281-488-3400