Clear Lake City Water Authority
900 Bay Area Blvd.
Houston, TX 77058

Our Service Area
The Authority is situated almost entirely in southeast Harris County in the Clear Lake area, about 20 miles southeast of downtown Houston. Its northwest to southeast boundary is State Highway 3. The Authority surrounds the Johnson Space Center on three sides. Ellington Field is located just outside the Authority’s northwest boundary.
At the time of its creation on May 6, 1963, the Authority consisted of 12,269 acres. Through various annexations, the current total land area is approximately 15,837 acres. Approximately 13,490 acres have been developed for commercial, residential, and public recreational use. The Clear Lake City Water Authority is the largest water district in Texas.

Area Facts
Have You Noticed Multi-Colored Fire Hydrants in the Area?
The CLCWA has color-coded the tops, also known as bonnets, of fire hydrants in the Authority to coordinate with water main sizes. The primary purpose for this is to assist Fire Departments in quickly determining water main sizes when connecting to fire hydrants in an emergency. Secondly, this can assist CLCWA’s repair crews to more effectively determine what tools and equipment will be needed for a repair.
The following are color codes and water main sizes:
Red – 4” Yellow – 6” White – 8” Green – 10-20” Orange – 24-60”

Utility Usage History
Per the mandate of House Bill 3693, all political subdivisions that are responsible for paying electric, water or natural gas utility services must:
Record in an electronic repository the political subdivision's metered amount of electricity, water or natural gas consumed; and the aggregate costs for those utility services.
Report the same information on a publicly accessible internet website with an interface designed for ease of navigation.
The Utility Usage History (Adobe Reader 6.0 or higher required.) information provided satisfies the requirements of House Bill 3693 by reporting the usage and cost information by month for electricity and natural gas consumption. Adobe Reader 6.0 or higher required. If you have any questions, please contact the Administration Department at 281-488-1164.