Clear Lake City Water Authority
900 Bay Area Blvd.
Houston, TX 77058
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Sat and Sun: Closed

Tax Department
Payments can be made in person at the office at 900 Bay Area Blvd, during office hours Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (credit/debit card payments (fees will apply), checks*, cashier’s checks, money orders, and cash are accepted).
*Post-Dated Checks: Please note that the CLCWA does not hold checks and will deposit all checks in the order received. If the check is not honored by the bank, you will be charged the return check fee. If payment is not received before the delinquency date penalties and interest may apply.
Payments can be made over the phone, by calling 281-547-2768 (fees will apply). Please have your account number ready.
Payment can also be made online, through the link provided above "Pay Property Tax". A processing fee of 3-4% for credit/debit card (4% for American Express and PayPal) and $5.00 for e-check is charged by GDS (Governmental Data Service). CLEAR LAKE CITY WATER AUTHORITY DOES NOT RECEIVE ANY PORTION OF THE PROCESSING FEE. Please contact GDS at 1-800-431-6176 with issues when paying by credit/debit card or echeck.
Please setup a Payee that is specific to the CLCWA Tax Department.
If you select a payee previously used to pay your water bill any payments
will be electronically applied to your water utility account not your tax account.
Funds applied to your water utility account cannot be transferred to your tax
account. A separate Payee must be setup for each.
Night drop boxes are located to the right of our front door and in the parking lot for payments (please, no cash in night drop box). Payments will be date stamped with the previous business days date. If a payment is mailed, we suggest that proof of mailing be obtained from the post office. Any payments postmarked after the due date will incur penalties and interest.
Receipts will only be mailed upon request. Receipts and statements can be printed at our website using the link provided above "Pay Property Tax".

Electronic Delivery of Communication (Receive Tax Statements/Communication By E-mail):
INFORMATION: Tax Code Section 1.085(a-1) requires a tax official to deliver communications to a property owner or the property owner’s designated representative electronically if requested. The election remains in effect until rescinded, in writing, by the property owner or the designated representative.
The property owner shall notify the Tax Assessor of a change in the e-mail address before the first April 1 that occurs following the change. If notification is not received by the Tax Assessor before that date, until notification is received, any communications delivered electronically to the property owner or person designated by the owner are considered to be timely delivered.
If a tax bill is sent by e-mail, the law does not require the tax bill to be sent by mail.
If you wish to receive your tax bill/communication by e-mail, follow one of the options below:
Online: Go to the “Pay Property Tax” button at the top of this page, pull up your account, click on the “e-Statement Sign-up” tab at the top of the page, and follow the instructions provided.
By E-mail: E-mail the completed 50-843 Form to tax@clcwa.org.
In Person:, Return the completed 50-843 Form to the Tax Assessor at 900 Bay Area Blvd., Houston, TX 77058.
Please monitor the e-mail account you provided on the submitted 50-843 Form for further instructions from estatements@gdsincorporated.com. Please be sure to check your spam/junk folder. Once received follow the instructions provided.