Clear Lake City Water Authority
900 Bay Area Blvd.
Houston, TX 77058
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Sat and Sun: Closed

Tax Department
Mon-Fri 8:00am to 4:30pm
For questions about your taxes, please call our Tax Office at 281-488-1164 option 3 during business hours or email y.garay@clcwa.org

Clear Lake City Water Authority’s (CLCWA) taxable property is under the jurisdiction of Harris Central Appraisal District (Appraisal District). Property taxes are based on the January 1st market value of your property as determined by the Appraisal District. The Appraisal District maintains all records which includes ownership, mailing address, exemption(s), and property description. Please notify the Appraisal District (713-957-7800) or obtain forms at their website (www.hcad.org) with any change in ownership or mailing address.
Each spring, the Appraisal District issues notices of appraised value. The appraised value of a property is determined by a certified appraiser from the Appraisal District, not CLCWA tax office. You have until May 15th (or 30 days after the date of the notice, whichever is later) to protest the value you have been given for your property. Renditions for personal property must be filed with the appraisal district each year by April 15th to avoid a 10% rendition penalty.
After the Appraisal District certifies the appraisal roll, the Board of Directors for Clear Lake City Water Authority holds a public hearing, usually in October, and adopts the tax rate. Tax statements are then printed and mailed to property owners who pay their own taxes, mortgage companies, and tax service providers. Mortgage companies and tax service providers must request tax statements annually. If the mortgage company or tax service provider requests the tax statement, the tax statement will be sent to the requester, not to the property owner. Homeowners with an escrow account who receive a statement should send the statement to their mortgage company and include their loan number. Tax statements may be printed and paid online at https://www.texaspayments.com/101200. (You may use any eligible credit card, debit card, or bank account to pay your taxes.)
Texas Property Tax Code Sec 31.01 states that failure to receive a tax statement does not change the due date or waive the penalty and interest. It is the property owner’s responsibility to know when taxes are due and the taxing authorities that will be taxing the property.
The tax office does not contact mortgage companies about delinquent taxes. A mortgage company can use our website to print a statement or check the paid status of an account. If your mortgage company will no longer be paying the property tax, please notify the tax office so the mortgage code can be removed. This allows the tax statement to be mailed to the property owner. If you are no longer operating your business, the Appraisal District should be notified to prevent the taxes from continuing to be assessed. If you or your business has moved, please notify the Appraisal District of the change. Harris Central Appraisal District: 713-957-7800. Forms can be obtained at www.hcad.org.
Tax Exemption for Residential Property
As of 2024 Clear Lake City Water Authority offers a 20% general homestead, an $80,000 exemption for individuals who are 65 or older, and $100,000 for individuals who are disabled person, in addition to the State-mandated disabled veteran exemption. The homeowner must apply to the Appraisal District for any of these exemptions.
To qualify for a general homestead exemption, you must own and live in the home on January 1st of that tax year. You can qualify for an over 65 exemption as soon as you turn 65. You must own the home and it must be your principal residence.
To qualify for the disabled person exemption, the homeowner must meet the requirements for disability benefits as administered by the Social Security Administration, own the home, and live in it as his/her principal residence. Forms can be obtained at our office, or contacting the Harris Central Appraisal District at 713-957-7800, or at the Appraisal District’s website www.hcad.org.

Tax Rate / Calculation Information
Total tax bill examples in the CLCWA assuming a 20% homestead deduction:
Appraisal $
Taxable $
Total Tax $
Note: The taxes CLCWA collects are property taxes and these taxes are tax deductible if you itemize.
CLCWA Tax Rate for debt service per $100 of taxable value:
CLCWA $0.20
WCID #75 $0.20
WCID #75, located in Taylor Lake Village, VOTED in the 1990s to become part of the CLCWA. The vote also included the provision WCID #75 would continue to pay off their debt plus the CLCWA maintenance tax. The debt that existed at the time of the election was paid off in 2015, therefore that area has assumed the CLCWA’s tax rate and tax exemptions (Homestead, over 65, or disabled).
Maintenance Tax
Both districts (CLCWA and WCID #75) pay a $0.05 maintenance tax that was approved by the voters.
The total tax rate for 2024 is $0.25.
Average taxable home assessed value in the CLCWA is $291,503. Average annual tax based on above value is $729.00 or $60.75 per month. Combined average monthly water bill with usage of 10,000 gallons and monthly tax is $115.85. City of Houston monthly water bill with usage of 10,000 gallons is $233.26. Annual savings versus City of Houston is $1408.92. If you use more water, then the savings is more compared to Houston water rates, and the saving is less if your home is valued higher.